Croydon Dinner Club @ The Tree House


October's Dinner Club will be held at The Tree House in South Croydon, a pub and restaurant with good reviews for its food. For more information about the venue, including its menu, please see the Tree House's website.


If you are arriving by public transport, please use the TFL journey planner ( to review your travel time and plan your journey to the restaurant.

If you are arriving by car, please use the awesome power of Google Maps to plot the best route - unless you have your own GPS.

Important notes:

  • If you will be arriving after 7.15pm, please send Ben or Katherine a heads-up message. Sometimes restaurants request that unoccupied places are put up for grabs for walk-in customers so your place can't be guaranteed if you're unexpectedly late.
  • The organiser fee of £2 per person (including guests) will be collected on the night, so please bring some coinage. We also ask that you stay until the bill is paid in full to be fair to everyone.
  • If you cannot come, please change your RSVP in advance. This ensures members aren't disappointed in missing out. Regular "No-Shows", those who RSVP yes but don't turn up, will be removed from the group to enhance the experience for others.