The Green Dragon is one of our favourite venues in Croydon and we meet there on the second Tuesday of each month. It's an award-winning pub in the centre of Croydon and has a wide selection of ales and craft beers on offer, securing it a position in CAMRA's Good Beer Guide every year. It also offers the largest variety of ciders in Croydon, and with a frequently updated selection behind the bar there's always something new to try! The food menu provides a good mix of traditional British food and modern dishes, and this changes a few times throughout the year with seasonal specials.
This is a somewhat informal gathering where members can mingle and chat in the pub's cosy atmosphere. Food and drink is ordered individually at the bar, so although the event formally starts at 7pm it's not necessary to turn up bang on time - some people will turn up early and stay until pub closing time, others will only pop in for an hour or so, but as it's a popular event there's always a good number of people there throughout the evening.