Brunch Club

We kick off one of our weekends each month with Brunch Club, usually held in one of Croydon's cafés. There will nearly always be the option for a full English breakfast wherever we end up but we try to ensure there are some interesting alternatives such as the Turkish breakfast at Crystal Rocks, one of the Moroccan dishes at Le Bon Café or the Crab Benedict at The Store.

During the summer months we often head a little further out from the centre of Croydon to the Coach House Café to dine outdoors in the beautiful surroundings of Coombe Wood. This also gives us a chance to go for a pleasant walk afterwards, though when the weather's bit cooler we're more likely to congregate in a pub afterwards, depending on how the mood takes us!

The event formally runs from 11am to 1pm and most people will arrive at around 11am however as most venues cater to ordering indivdually it's not usually too important to arrive bang on time, though if you plan to join us to eat we do ask that you'd try to get there before 12pm. Some venues do prefer us to order together or even pre-order so please do check the description of any events you sign up to.